VIP Nutrition with Bob Seebohar
FASTER RESULTS for your weight loss, body composition, longevity or athletic performance goals.
That's what the VIP priority nutrition coaching program is all about.
Most people do not succeed with their nutrition goals for one simple reason - lack of ACCOUNTABILITY.
Working with Bob Seebohar in the VIP Program delivers a high level of accountability. You and Bob will set specific key performance indicators (KPI's) to ensure your success can be achieved.
Each week, Bob will develop custom nutrition strategies and meal plans that will support your KPI's and he will adjust these as necessary.
The VIP PROGRAM is 100% about you and has 100% accountability with you and Bob.
If you are seeking weight or body fat loss, Bob will craft a detailed plan of action of what it will take to get you to your goal. He will create a success plan and develop strategies for you to implement, with his help and constant feedback.
If you want to age better and are focused on improving your healthspan and longevity, Bob will craft a customized nutrition, testing and supplement plan that will elevate your health and add quality life to your years.
Want to crush your competition in sport? Bob will leave no stone unturned by developing custom daily nutrition and nutrient timing plans and supplement protocols to take to you peak performance in your sport.
ACCOUNTABILITY. Welcome to the VIP Program!
Here are the features of the 4-week VIP Program:
- Two weekly meetings, up to 45 minutes each (phone/video)
- VIP scheduling
- Unlimited text/email communication throughout the 4-weeks
- Communication initiated by Bob EVERY 2 DAYS.
- Customized meal plans
- Custom nutrient timing plans
- Custom supplement protocols
- Full review of current biomarker, genomic and physiological testing results
- Electronic recipe books and other electronic educational resources provided
*Comprehensive biomarker testing is mandatory prior to choosing this package. Contact Bob to discuss options.
Contact Bob for availability
VIP Nutrition Coaching with Bob Seebohar

Bob Seebohar
Owner, eNRG Performance
Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics