Level I and II METS Recertification Information

The Level I and II Metabolic Efficiency Training Specialist Certification is valid for two years.
All Certified Level I and II METS professionals must submit a $99 annual fee for each year of certification.
This annual membership provides benefits such as providing half of the continuing education units required to re-certify for Level I METS and 4 continuing education units for Level II METS.
Additionally, you will be invited to the private Facebook page for Certified Metabolic Efficiency Training Specialists. You will be able to further your education about metabolic efficiency training, physiological testing, business practices and much more with other Level I and II METS professionals. It is an amazing opportunity to continue your personal and professional development.
Re-Certification Information for Level I METS
The Level I Certification is good for two years (calendar years)
Example: if you become certified in March of 2023, your certification is valid through the end of 2024
This is a membership-based certification that requires a yearly membership fee of $99.
To re-certify, you must accumulate 10 total Continuing Education Units (CEU's).
5 CEU's will be earned through your annual membership fee
5 CEU's will be earned from one of the following options:
Successfully passing another Level I METS Certification and Mentorship Program OR
Submitting 5 comprehensive case studies (which are provided to you should you not have testing data)*
There is also a $75 recertification fee (that covers administration time of grading your recertification materials and website updates).
*For those Level I METS Certified Professionals who provide metabolic efficiency testing, eNRG Performance Institute will provide you with testing templates you can use in your business upon your request.
*For those Level I METS Certified Professionals who do NOT provide metabolic efficiency testing, eNRG Performance Institute will provide you case study information packets upon your request for re-certification.
*Level I METS must submit their completed recertification materials by their certification expiration date (expiration date can be found on your certificate). Level I METS who do not submit their recertification materials by their expiration date are not eligible for recertification under the normal recertification policy and will be held to the late recertification policy (see below for late policy).
It is highly recommended that Level I METS begin working on the recertification requirements as soon as possible. Waiting until the last minute to complete the recertification requirements can lead to penalty fees for the Level I METS.
Late re-certification policy for Level I METS:
- All Level I METS Professionals not completing recertification by their expiration date will have their certification revoked until late recertification is completed.
- Late recertification submitted January 1 - January 15 (one day – 2 weeks after recertification was due): A $200 late fee is required.
- Late recertification submitted January 16 - January 31 (two weeks – 1 month after recertification was due): A $300 late fee is required.
No recertification materials will be accepted after one month after recertification was due. Level I METS wishing to become certified again after this time must take the certification and mentorship program again at the full price.
Re-Certification Information for Level II METS
Contact us for more information.