How to Prevent Getting Sick

immune system nutrition Nov 13, 2024
how to prevent getting sick


If you are a parent, you are likely buckling up for cold and flu season right now. During this time of year it is important to be both proactive and reactive when it comes to preventing germs from entering your house. Here are a few tips to keep your immune system performing at it’s peak AND some strategies to help it bounce back once germs have already taken hold. 


Proactive tips: 


1. Get plenty of sleep: Being sleep deprived is a great way to reduce your immunity and become the best hotel for this season’s germs. For adults, make sure you are getting 6-8 hours of sleep each night. For children and highly active individuals, aim for 8-10 hours. Sometimes it can feel impossible to get this many hours of consecutive sleep, so plan ahead and set new routines to try and build in quiet time and nap times throughout your house. Make a reading/quiet hour with your kids, on the weekends instead of going out in the cold stay inside and build a pillow fort where you can relax and watch some movies, or make your home a screen free zone leading up to bedtime so nobody can lose potential sleeping hours to "doom scrolling”.


2. Hydrate more: It seems so simple, but hydration typically falls off this time of year when we are no longer feeling the heat of the summer. Stay on top of your hydration by incorporating more fluid filled foods. Now is a great time for broth-based soups, warm tea, and water filled fruits like lemons, limes and oranges. 


3. Follow a well-balanced daily nutrition plan: What we eat plays a large role in the type of bacteria that our body hosts. We have good bacteria that lives in our gut and helps us digest food. The more we can feed these good bacteria, the more our bodies will stay happy and healthy to fend off bad bacteria. Eating foods high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are one of the best ways to keep these bacteria happy. You can also add some probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, and miso to support your intestinal health. 


Reactive tips: 


1. Consume more vitamin C rich foods: Vitamin C has long been proven to support immune function. Prioritizing this as a nutrient can help you to kick that illness faster. Foods like oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes are all high in vitamin C. 


2. Drink warm fluids: Once you are already sick, having warm fluids and help to soothe a sore throat, improve hydration, and help your sinuses. Kiddos and adults alike would benefit from herbal teas. You can also find teas with eucalyptus added to help with opening your sinuses.


3. Engage in some comfort foods: There are few things better than being wrapped in a warm hug by someone you love when you aren’t feeling well. It is important to capture that feeling in the foods we eat during periods of illness as well. A salad might be packed with nutrients, but it isn’t going to warm your heart the same way a hearty cup of soup and grilled cheese will. Don’t worry about food rules or counting calories at this time and focus on eating foods that will nourish both your body and your soul. 



Hey! Check out my NEW WEBINAR, helping new moms balance their nutrition after having kids! It’s a great resource for you!




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