Does Alcohol Slow You Down?

nutrition sport nutrition Jan 27, 2025

Wait, wait!  Just hear me out before you decide to not read this article and delete me forever!

Im not telling you that you shouldn't consume alcohol. Im simply providing you some tools to put in your toolbox to make an educated decision.

Alcohol is a social norm in some circles but for athletes (and really anyone I would argue), it can have major adverse effects on performance and recovery, not to mention overall health (that article will come later).

Alcohol negatively affects athletic performance in several ways including the following:

  1. Dehydration: alcohol is a diuretic, which increases urine output and can lead to dehydration. Dehydration impairs physical performance by reducing endurance, strength and coordination.

  2. Impaired motor skills: alcohol slows reaction times, reduces balance and impairs coordination.

  3. Reduced energy levels: alcohol consumption interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates, the primary energy source for athletes. This can lead to fatigue and decreased performance during high-intensity activities.

  4. Poor decision-making: alcohol impairs judgment and decision-making, which can negatively affect an athlete's ability to strategize and react effectively during competition.


Consistent alcohol use can lead to more significant, long-term consequences for athletes such as:

  1. Muscle recovery and repair: alcohol consumption slows protein synthesis, a critical process for muscle repair and growth. This can prolong recovery times and hinder strength gains.

  2. Sleep disruption: alcohol disrupts sleep patterns by reducing the time spent in restorative REM sleep. Poor sleep quality can impair recovery, reduce energy levels and negatively impact focus and performance.

  3. Weight management: some alcohol is calorie-dense and can contribute to weight and body fat gain. No need to say more on that.

  4. Hormonal imbalance: alcohol can low testosterone levels and increase cortisol, a stress hormone. This imbalance can reduce muscle growth, impair recovery and negatively affect overall performance.


Alcohol can also increase the likelihood of injuries in the following ways:

  • Delayed reaction times: slower reactions increase the risk of accidents during training or competition.

  • Reduced pain perception: alcohol numbs pain, which may lead to athletes ignoring injuries.

  • Weakened immune system: chronic alcohol consumption can suppress immune function, making athletes more susceptible to illness and prolonged recovery from injuries.


If you do choose to consume alcohol, take these steps to minimize its on your performance:

  1. Plan ahead: avoid drinking before competitions or intense training sessions. I recommend not drinking for 48 hours before and after.

  2. Hydrate: drink plenty of water to counteract alcohol’s dehydrating effects. I recommend adding 1 liter of water per alcoholic drink you have.

  3. Limit intake: Practice moderation to reduce the negative effects of alcohol.

  4. Prioritize recovery: Allow adequate time for the body to recover from alcohol consumption before resuming intense physical activity. Wait at least 48 hours before training hard after consuming alcohol.


If you are going to use alcohol, be smart about it and realize that there are not so good times to consume it relative to training and competition. Opt for lower calorie options if possible and reduce the frequency of consumption to have positive effects on athletic performance and recovery.

Reach out to the eNRG Performance Sport Dietitian team if you have questions.



Want to get ready for your 2025 season and plan your nutrition all by yourself? 


I created an AWESOME course, The Optimal Nutrition System for Endurance Athletes, that will give you literally everything you need to help you plan your daily nutrition, nutrient timing plan, supplement plan and testing protocols. Purchase it HERE.



PS - Don’t forget to subscribe to the eNRG Performance YouTube Channel. There are amazing videos on there that will help you dial in your nutrition for health and performance! 




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