3 Things You Need to Do Right Now if You Experience GI Distress

gut health sport nutrition Jun 03, 2024
Fix GI distress

1. Drink more fluids. Fluid not only helps keep us hydrated but it also helps with digestion. Sometimes, the GI distress “monster” can be easily avoided by simply drinking more fluids throughout the day. Aim for 3-4 liters of total fluids each day (yes, I did say 3-4 liters!).


2. Stop consuming a lot of simple sugars during training. Sometimes, GI distress is actually triggered by simple sugars so it is best to avoid these as you are exploring what triggers your GI distress. If you are using a sports nutrition product, try SFuels Zone 2 (previously Zone 2) or UCAN products during training.


3. Eat more metabolically efficient.  If you know me, you know my love affair with Metabolic Efficiency Training. It’s the simple process of combining macronutrients (specifically carbohydrates and protein) to better control blood sugar. This will have a direct, positive effect on gut health and is super easy to follow with my SIMPLE nutrition strategies that DO NOT include calorie counting.

There you have it. Want more info? Check out the eNRG Performance YouTube channel for more engaging videos from yours truly!






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